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Coming Home, Wyoming

Coming Home, Wyoming.

Disclaimer: I am not against traveling or moving around in fact I encourage everyone to travel and experience the world. I am just talking about my experience moving back to my hometown and what I found out about myself and Wyoming. Nor am I speaking badly on any other states I love everywhere I lived..
Thank you,
I have lived in Wyoming most of my life, but I moved away for a while. I ventured off to the corners of the United States. I first moved to Tallahassee Florida then Orange County California, I then went to Utah, Chicago, then closer to Wyoming I ended up in Colorado. I landed at Denver International Airport feeling like I was home. I always wanted to live in Colorado and Chicago seemed far from home then I would have liked.
I first lived in Aurora. With the help of my family, I found a place and another place and another place. I lived in 5 places in Aurora and 5 places in Fort Collins and Loveland. Until one day I sadly became homeless. I exhausted my resources and I knew I had to come back home.
I looked out the window at the green and blue mountains of Colorado and arrived in Cheyenne Wyoming. At first, I felt like I had failed. I had been the person who moved back to their hometown. Until eventually I started to realize there are many benefits of moving back home.

When I first arrived home, I felt like a failure. I promised myself I would never move back to my hometown and I did not achieve that goal. I was kind of in a glum for a while. I did not know what to do I did not want to leave the house just in case I saw everyone, and they judged me for coming back. I googled places in California and Boulder Colorado. Until I noticed that this is the best I have ever felt. Yes, I had burned bridges with older friends from my home town, but I still had so much to learn from Cheyenne and there were still so many people to meet and new friends to get acquainted with. I have learned a lot from being back and still have so much to learn still.

I started reaching out and finding doctors and services provided. Usually, when I was moving around, I would see a doctor once, and never again then I would have to get another doctor in another state. It felt nice having some consistency. I started reaching out to contacts I knew before (that weren’t the reason I left in the first place) and found out that Cheyenne has so much to offer when it came to the arts and the things I loved.

I started to realize that Wyoming was one hell of a state. There was so much opportunity and so many kind and loving people to get things started for you. I know Cheyenne still has a lot of work to do. Developing a better downtown and providing more resources for its residence, but it has come a long way. First, I got connected with the Unitarian Church of Cheyenne who lovingly let me sing and play my ukulele at their service. Then learned about the Wyoming Arts Council which provides grants and funding for the arts around Wyoming. I found a theater group True Troupe which was a started by Adrianna True.  With the help of an old friend, I found myself doing things that I never did when I was moving around. I always thought my hometown was this evil monster waiting to consume me and bring me back into my despair, but it was the opposite it was a welcoming presence that wanted me back home.   

Now that I am home….
I have started school and am working on my media degree, have found a local theater I love to work with, found clubs at LCCC found a dance studio, found little places where art is shown in Art Walk Cheyenne. Not only that but the wildlife and nature in Wyoming are hard to beat with Vedauwoo nearby in Laramie and plenty of other wildlife campgrounds. You are easily a couple minutes away from a great outdoor spot.
Even though there were places I wanted to avoid and people I never wanted to see again I knew I had to be back here and

Sometimes home is where the heart is. Whether that heart is traveling or where it was supposed to be all along. I will NEVER regret moving around and seeing what is out there and you better believe I will continue to do so, but in the end, I will come to my hometown and I will be right where I was meant to be all along. 
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