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Showing posts from May, 2021

Never give up, never surrender!


Sing, Maria. A screenplay by Annie Shay and Original Story "Off the Grid" By Michael Shay

  Sing, Maria Wrights of Wyoming PLAYWRIGHT: ANNIE SHAY ORIGINAL STORY “Off the Grid” BY MICHAEL SHAY   ACT ONE SCENE 1 (Talking at breakfast) The stage is dark, a spotlight appears shining onto a girl in her pjs. A voice calls from the stands. Narration: Sing, Maria sing. Maria looks around. Maria: Who is there? God: It is I, GOD. Maria: You’re not real and this is just a dream. God: Sing, Maria, sing. Maria: Alright already, but you’re not real. God: I am what I am. Maria: What am I, Moses? God: Faith Maria, Faith.    Maria: okay I get it. Now let me sleep ! Fade into kitchen. Maria is dressed she is sitting at the table eating. Her father is working on the sink in the kitchen. Maria: (eating breakfast) I think I am going to join choir.   Dad: Choir? I have never heard you talk about this before. God damn it! (he says after he bangs his head as he comes out from under the sink) Maria: Yeah, I think it will be fun, yo...

Finding Your Passion in Unlikely Places and People

  Finding your Passion The world is such a crazy place right now, people are occupied with gas prices and wondering if the covid-19 pandemic will ever cease. As I was in lockdown all I could think about was my future. I spent hours researching schools, majors, places to live, and jobs I could have. I feel like that is what got me through all of this was the hope things would go back to normal one day and I could accomplish my goals.   I found a lot of passions during the pandemic. I knew I had to do something, (safe and with a mask of course) I started doing photography which I love. I started my own very small business and fell in love with taking photos for my friends and just taking photos in general. My photography career started back in 2019 I went on a frantic spree to buy a new computer and found myself in a pawn shop of all places. I pawned my Wii and my tablet just to get an outdated canon camera. I kept my camera in a bag on my shelf for quite a while. Until I ...