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Photo Prompt Day 1

My Prompt for the day was :
1. Sunshine
2. Garden
3. On Your Feet

For my first project, I had to find sunshine so I found some wonderful flowers that were so bright they looked like the sun. 
Then yes, I took a picture of the actual sun. This was not fun because well you know you can go blind. I pointed my camera directly into the sun and the result was pretty good. It seemed very J.J. Abrams but you got to work with what you got.
 I ended up cropping the third photo and making it look like a sun in your face. 

Sunshine Friends

Jar Jar Abrams 

Tango Mango

My next prompt was 'Garden' and wouldn't you believe it my dad is a Gardner! His garden has gone to waste but he moved it to our porch for easier access since my dad is a senior and can't get around as well. I really loved my picture of the contrast between the gate and the weeds growing through it, it is a great visual.

Abandoned Garden

A Group of Flowers

For the garden, I did a part two and put a couple pictures together. I found an amazing broken flower pot and it posed for me beautifully. I thought they would all look good together because they all have great contrast. The first is the weeds from the garden in different clarity and the second one is different angles of the broken flower pot. 

The Singing Reeds

Broken Beauty

Last but not least! My last prompt was 'On your feet' My feet weren't looking their best today but I got a visit from my fur baby and what better way to portray 'on your feet' then with a cat! 
I had fun with this project I also made a video of outside and a few polaroids. It is amazing what you will find in your backyard with a camera and some creativity. 

Kitty Kat Feet

Here Is photography prompt if you need it:

Additional photos:



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