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Showing posts from July, 2020

Artists at Work in Downtown Cheyenne

Graffiti Artists in Cheyenne Wyoming.  In Cheyenne Wyoming, artists gathered to fill the empty wall space that frequents our downtown area. I saw some beautiful art. I got there early and was able to photograph some of the painters just beginning the process. Here are some photos and I hope we see a lot more art in downtown Cheyenne.  Thank you for the Paint Slingers for participating in this event and thank you Wyoming Arts for putting it on.  Annie

Photo shoot at Botanic Gardens Cheyenne 7/3/2020.

Model and Actor Adrianna True  Visit:

Beautifully Broken.

Each piece a resemblance to the other. Sometimes spaces in between need livelihood. Piece it back together, but it is never the same. It is much better. The lines showing the progress. Each line a path to where you want to go. A forest of trees meant just for you. If something is broken can it still be beautiful? I think so.

Boundaries of Space.

Space, Like the lines in between. The left side has completely gone.   All that is left are object with no boundary. Our eyes the key to life. Are the lines real if there is no space between time? I feel for something solid, but everything comes together, Everything is nothing. It is all a lie A perception And we are just lost in the boundaries of space.

Photo Prompt Day 1

My Prompt for the day was : 1. Sunshine 2. Garden 3. On Your Feet For my first project, I had to find sunshine so I found some wonderful flowers that were so bright they looked like the sun.  Then yes, I took a picture of the actual sun. This was not fun because well you know you can go blind. I pointed my camera directly into the sun and the result was pretty good. It seemed very J.J. Abrams but you got to work with what you got.  I ended up cropping the third photo and making it look like a sun in your face.  Sunshine Friends Jar Jar Abrams  Tango Mango My next prompt was 'Garden' and wouldn't you believe it my dad is a Gardner! His garden has gone to waste but he moved it to our porch for easier access since my dad is a senior and can't get around as well. I really loved my picture of the contrast between the gate and the weeds growing through it, it is a great visual. Abandoned Garden A Group of Flowers For the garden, I did a part two and put a coupl...